When you enter into a valid contract with a Georgia company or any other party, you are bound by the terms of that deal. If the terms of the deal are breached, the breached party may have the right to seek compensation or other forms of relief. The exact remedies are...
Year: 2023
The matter of an anticipatory breach
A breach of contract can be a serious legal issue that leaves one party suffering a loss. The injured party may expect the breach to occur once the contract expires and not before. However, not all contract breaches affect Georgia residents in this way. Sometimes,...
Tips for resolving business disputes
If you have business partners, there is a good chance that you won't agree on everything with those individuals. While many disagreements can be resolved with good communication and a willingness to compromise, serious issues may take more to resolve. In some cases,...
Should I consider adding an arbitration clause to my contract?
Many contracts these days include an arbitration clause. Perhaps you have seen the term arbitration used in service contracts with mobile phone companies and other businesses. They are common for a variety of reasons. What is an arbitration clause? An arbitration...